2020When 11-years old Aïcha discovers that her name has been misspelled, she decides to find out why no one but her seems to notice the mistake and what she can do about it. In her search for answers, she meets other girls who support her courage.
A Jünglinge Film Production
Producer: Faraz Shariat, Paulina Lorenz
Directors & Writers: Laura Bleck, Faraz Shariat
DoP: Lotta Kilian
Edit: Raquel Caro Nuñez
Art Department & Production Manager: Kristina Schmidt
Sound & Music: Lennart Sailer
Colorist: Sarah Salzmann
Consultant Sounddesign & Music: Richard Deffner

Weltpremiere: doxs! dokumentarfilme für kinder und jugendliche 2020
Internationales Frauen* Film Fest Dortmund+Köln 2021
International Human Rights Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentinien 2021
Filmfest Bremen 2021
World premiere
doxs! dokumentarfilme für kinder und jugendliche 2020